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      今年,我校经过一系列的讨论研究后开展了口语课,因为在现阶段的英语教学中,口语课其实也是一门重要的基础知识课,因为很多时候我们学习英语 的目的就是使学生学到的书本语言知识转变为口头交际能力,而目前我们学生在口语方面存在的问题就是可以写出来完整的交际英语句子,但脱口而出的流利口语存在很大的问题。那么学校开展这门课的目的就是想首先提高学生的发音,从最基本的语音语调抓起,在逐步完善到句型的训练,从而达到学生可以说出一口流利英语的目的。


      在口语课上,我们主要采取的首先就是模仿。老师在上这堂课前准备了一些纯正发音的视频短片,学生根据短片里的发音逐句模仿,很多学生在说英语时是没有注意任何的音调发音的,只是机械的说出来了某个单词的基本发音,用在句型里也没有升降调之分,那么在模仿这一步上就至关重要,老师会采用视频语音逐词逐句让每一位学生模仿,最后通过短片配音,小组对话的方式来进行检测。学生在模仿这一环节上兴趣很浓厚,因为我们最初采用了迪斯尼英语教学,从最基本的打招呼对话练习开始,学生从最初的开口“hello”“Good morning" 最后通过模仿学习知道这简单的两句招呼也有它自己的音调,我们提倡的重点不仅是说出来还要说的好听。




      So far the oral English course has been going very well. We’ve found that students are very interested in speaking English. Through this kind of class it not only improves students’ oral English, but also helps them temporarily keep out of daily routine study. They become more willing to speak out and learn western culture.

      Normally each class has oral English practice twice a week. We combine audio and visual materials to draw students’ attention, and motivate them to speak through various activities. Pair work, group discussion and imitation are all adopted during teaching. No matter what kind of teaching methods we use, the ultimate goal is to help students open their mind and speak out. Take my class for example, usually I will first ask students ro review two phonetics and pronounce words with it. Then the main structure of that class will be shown on the slides, so I’ll ask students to follow me to speak the structure. In order to train their accents, I will speak sentences in different intonations. For example, if we say “I love my family”, I’ll say it in several ways. After that I’ll show the Balooloo cartoon, and ask students to imitate one sentence by one sentence. Sometimes if students find it difficult to pronounce, I’ll stop the radio and practice with them several times. I’ll make sure everyone can say it correctly and then go to next part. In my class, there’s a student who was a little bit shy at first. But then through imitation the American Cartoon, he has become more interested and active. And sometimes he even can’t wait to start imitating. We’ve very glad to see this kind of progress.

      We hope oral English course enhances their language ability and broadens their horizon at the same time.